Saturday 7 April 2012

It's easter weekend and after promising myself no alarms I still managed to wake up early... I have been looking forward to this 4 day weekend for ages and in doing that I actually forgot to plan anything!! so I am hoping that the weatherman was wrong about the weather and it's glorious or someone will give me inspiration or there may be boredom ahead!

I have been perusing the profiles on a well known free dating website I like to call plenty of fuckers... why does everyone like 'a good night on the sofa with a bottle of wine' are there more secret alky's then people realise or are people that lazy? sounds like hell to me, equally puzzling are the amount of guys with topless shots.... yes guys we all know you have chests but why are you insisting on bearing them to us? some input would be nice

It all used to be a lot simpler... you like someone.. you go out with them... now everyone seems to want "fun" which I think means casual sex.... I am starting to think I look like the kinda girl who likes to hook up with random guys from the internet and shag them.... I'm really not into that so I think I have to change my perfume or something ha

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